Latest: Talk Money Week

Talk Money Week 2021 takes place on 8-12 November.

Everyone has money worries and for many, the challenges of the pandemic have increased these.  Money and debt are often seen as a taboo subject but during Talk Money week you can break the stigma.

Published on 01 Nov 2021

The menopause is a natural stage of life that millions of women experience. It is marked by changes in hormones and the ending of menstruation. It can also bring many other physical and emotional changes.

Published on 30 Sep 2021

World Mental Health Day

Mental health problems can affect anyone, any day of the year, but 10 October is a great day to show your support for better mental health and start looking after your own wellbeing.

Published on 30 Sep 2021

Have you prepared your home for winter?
We’ve put together a few handy hints to help you and your family through the festive period.

Published on 23 Sep 2021

A guide to home security while on holiday
It probably seems like a lifetime ago since your last holiday with one lockdown after another, but positive developments mean you may be heading away on that well-deserved break sooner rather than later!

Published on 23 Sep 2021

Adding value to your home
DIY projects that add value to your home

Published on 23 Sep 2021

Protect your car from theft
Car theft is unfortunately as rampant as ever with almost 20,000 more vehicles stolen in 2020 than 2019.

Published on 23 Sep 2021

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Day 10 September 2021
Reports of high levels of anxiety and psychological distress have significantly increased due to the pandemic. It is important than ever that we all as individuals do what we can to look after ourselves and each other.

Published on 01 Sep 2021


We spend about a third of our lives asleep.  Sleep is essential, it is as important to our bodies as eating, drinking and breathing, and is vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. Sleeping helps us to recover from mental as well as physical exertion.

Published on 01 Sep 2021

Healthy Eating Week

Healthy eating is more important than ever as poor nutrition and obesity are becoming more common in the UK.   According to Public Health England nearly 2/3rds of adults in England are classed as being overweight with more men likely to be in this category than women. 

Published on 01 Sep 2021

Know Your Numbers Week
Know your numbers week encourages people to get their blood pressure tested.  Many people have high blood pressure without knowing it, which can cause other health problems.

Published on 01 Sep 2021

International Friendship Day
International Day of Friendship is a day to appreciate and promote friendships from all backgrounds.

Published on 24 Jun 2021

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