Latest: Men's Health Week 2024 - 10-16 June

Wellbeing and health are topics that are often over-looked by men. Men’s Health Week is a great time to think about your overall wellbeing.

Published on 01 Jun 2024

Dementia Action Week 2024 - 13-19 May

Dementia Action Week run by the Alzheimer’s Society is an awareness week to encourage people to ‘act on dementia’. This year’s theme is diagnosis.

Published on 01 May 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 - 13-19 May

Mental health problems can affect anyone, any time of the year, but mental health awareness week is a great time to show your support for better mental health and looking after your own wellbeing.

Published on 01 May 2024

National Walking Month 2024

May is National Walking month. With the evenings being lighter for longer, May is a great month to get outside and start walking.

Published on 01 May 2024

Women's Health Week 2024 - 12–15 May

Whatever stage of your life that you are in, it’s important to understand and look after your physical and mental health.

Published on 01 May 2024

National Stress Awareness Month - April 2024

Stress Awareness Month is held each April, to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures of stress.

Published on 02 Apr 2024

World Health Day - 7th April 2024

World Health Day is an awareness day organised by the World Health Organisation. This year they have chosen the campaign ‘My health, my right’.

Published on 02 Apr 2024

World Autism Awareness Day - 2nd April 2024

Every 2nd April is World Autism Awareness Day. The purpose of this day is to increase understanding of autism across the world and help reduce stigma and discrimination that may occur against those with autism and their carers.

Published on 02 Apr 2024

Debt Awareness Week - 18-24 March

Money worries are not just a financial problem they can cause relationships problems, people to lose homes and families to break down.

Published on 20 Feb 2024

National No Smoking Day 2024

National No Smoking Day is observed every year on the second Wednesday of March, to encourage people over the world to quit smoking.

Published on 20 Feb 2024

Self-harm and Self-injury Awareness Day - 1st March

The purpose of the day is to reduce the stigma around self-harm, to make it ok to talk about and to raise awareness about the support available for those who self-harm.

Published on 20 Feb 2024

Children's Mental Health Week 2024

Children’s mental health week is run through Place2Be, a children’s mental health charity that provides counselling, support, and training in UK schools.

Published on 15 Jan 2024

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